Als Sie diese Seite lesen, erinnern Sie sich, dass Sie diese Auskunft nie in der MZ finden werden und dass Karl Doemens nie über dieses Thema schreiben wird, weil er auf seine Trump-Hass-Rede konzentriert. Das Resultat: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Zerstörer der deutschen Sprache?
January 18, 2018 published by
The US is Arming and Assisting Neo-Nazis in Ukraine, While Congress Debates Prohibition Known as a bastion of neo-Nazism, the Azov Battalion has received teams of American military advisors and high powered US-made weapons. By Max Blumenthal Last November, an American military inspection team visited the Azov Battalion on the front lines of the Ukrainian civil war to discuss logistics and deepening cooperation. Images of the encounter showed American army officers poring over maps with their Ukrainian counterparts, palling around and ignoring the Nazi-inspired Wolfangel patches emblazoned on their sleeves.
Azov is a militia that has been incorporated into the Ukrainian National Guard, and is considered one of the most effective units in the field against pro-Russian separatists. But it also widely known as a bastion of neo-Nazism within the ranks of the Ukrainian military that has been criticized by international human rights groups, tied to an international fascist network and even a major terror plot. According to Lower Class Magazine, a leftist German publication, Azov maintains a semi-underground outfit called the “Misanthropic Division” that recruits heavily among the ranks of neo-Nazi youth in France, Germany and Scandinavia. Foreign fighters are promised training with heavy weapons, including tanks, at Ukrainian camps filled with fascist fellow travelers. They even include military veterans like Mikael Skillit, a Swedish former army sniper turned neo-Nazi volunteer for Azov. “After World War Two, the victors wrote their history,” Skillit told the BBC. “They decided that it's always a bad thing to say I am white and I am proud.” Continue reading.... This photo of an Azov soldier testing a US-made PSRL-1 grenade launcher posted to Azov’s website in June 2017 was recently removed.
The CIA smuggled former Nazi collaborator Mykola Lebed (above) into the US under an assumed name.
Vorhut im „Rassenkrieg“: Das Neonazi-Regiment Azov
Gewalttäter, Terroristen, Waffennarren: Der deutsche Kontakt von Azov heißt III.Weg
We are going to sing a new version of "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" with the title "Where Have All the Leftists Gone?"
Remember when "Leftist" meant "anti-U.S.-Imperialism"? And nowadays the German Green Party are the number one supporters of the American Neo-Con wars, aggressive expansion of NATO to Russia's borders, sanctions and the intervention in Ukraine! And Germans still group the Green Party with the Left Party and the left side of the political spectrum in Germany! And the former government of Germany consisting of Merkel's CDU and the Social Democrats (SPD) recognized*** the illegal coup government of Ukraine--the government overthrown by the Obama Administration, Victoria Nuland ("Fuck the EU!") and $5,000,000,000 of Soros Color Revolution money. And here in Halle--because Halle is a Hologram of Germany as a whole--the Ambassador of the Ukraine Coup Government was invited here to speak and was feted by the city's leaders---although it is well-known that the Coup Government includes the (Neo-)Nazis of Western Ukraine! And the MItteldeutsche Zeitung, the only daily print newspaper in Halle, recently interviewed the Ambassador of the Ukraine Coup Government and let him lie without the least criticism! And, as you know, there isn't a Nazi or Terrorist that Senator John McCain doesn't like---so there are not only the photos of McCain meeting with the ISIS terrorists but also with the nice folks in Ukraine. As you also know, to his eternal shame, President Trump just approved delivering weapons to the Ukraine Coup Government so that they can continue their war against Eastern Ukraine. OF COURSE, the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, and the government television stations (ARD, ZDF) who have been the worst warmongers and Fake News media these last four year will NEVER publish a critical report about Trump's actions because they completely approve of this warmongering and are looking forward to the Nuclear Armageddon that is going to result from their propaganda. That is why we have the page dedicated to MZ, Karl Doemens and the other warmongers. Mobile - Das MZ Cafe am Ende des Universums [DE+ENG] Karl Doemens, the hack German journalist based in the U.S., spews out non-stop Trump-Hatred in his articles and his Tweets BUT HAS NOT ONE FUCKING WORD OF CRITICISM FOR TRUMP's broken campaign promises regarding creating good relations with Russia. OF COURSE, the deadly irony is that Trump's surrender to the Neocon warmongers is DIRECTLY the fault of Karl Doemens who is one of the Fake News journalists who has pushed the completely false "Russian Collusion Delusion". This totally fake narrative, created by Hillary Clinton, Podesta, Mueller and the other crooks, forced the resignation of General Flynn who was going to lead the efforts to build peaceful relations with Russia. This totally fake, false, pernicious, scurrilous, lying narrative by Karl Doemens and other fake journalists has made it impossible for President Trump to steer relations with Russia in a friendly direction. AND, just imagine, right here in Halle, this bullshit is published almost ever day! AND, just imagine: when the mushroom crowd rises over Berlin or Leipzig you'll have a front-row seat to the Armageddon created by Karl Doemens and the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung! You'll have a half second to curse them and then spend the last few seconds of your life hugging your kids and spouse, saying goodbye to them and as you ascend to heaven asking yourself "why didn't I speak out against this lying propaganda?" ============================================ ***And the renewal of the "Grand Coalition" through the Martin Schulz-arranged surrender to Merkel means the German government will continue to embrace an illegal coup government that continues to murder former citizens in Eastern Ukraine. It means the whole Evil-Russia narrative will continue. Torchlit rallies celebrating Nazi collaborators like Stepan Bandera have become a ritual in Kiev.
18. August 2016 AUF DEUTSCH - Lower Class Magazine
Bruderschaft der Rassisten und Antisemiten Ukrainische Faschisten, deutsche Neonazis und ein verhinderter Terroranschlag in Frankreich: Wie ein international operierendes rechtes Netzwerk zu einer neuen Terrorgefahr werden könnte.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Man stelle sich folgendes Szenario vor: In einem mit der Bundesrepublik befreundeten Staat existiert als offizielle Militärformation ein schwer bewaffnetes Regiment, das aus Neonazis, Rassisten, Antisemiten und faschistischen Söldnern besteht. Dieses Regiment unterhält einen informellen Arm, der die radikalsten Neonazi-Gruppen Europas zu sammeln versucht, und ruft offen zur „Rückeroberung“ des „dekadenten“ und durch „Masseneinwanderung“ verdorbenen Kontinents auf. In dem Regiment gibt es eine Untergruppe, die mit SS- und Hitler-Symbolik arbeitet, und Ableger in vielen Staaten Europas, auch Deutschlands gründet. Das Regiment bildet Nazis an der Waffe aus, die nach Europa zurückkehren. Und dann wird ein Franzose in der Ukraine verhaftet, der sich gerade Granatwerfer, Kalaschnikows und Dynamit besorgt hat, um während der Fußball-Europa-Meisterschaft aus antisemitischen und islamophoben Motiven Anschläge zu verüben. Das Szenario ist nicht fiktiv. Das Land heißt Ukraine. Das Regiment heißt „Azov“. Die Untergruppe nennt sich „Misanthropic Division“ und wirbt mit dem Slogan „Töten für Wotan“. Die Partner-Gruppen in Deutschland und Italien heißen „III. Weg“ und „Casa Pound“. Und der verhinderte französische Massenmörder heißt Grégoire Moutaux. Ein Regiment für Neonazis Erzählen wir die Geschichte Schritt für Schritt. ... ........................... Lesen Sie weiter.... (empfohlen für unsere halleschen Abgeordnete des Bundestags, etliche davon die ukrainische Putschregierung umarmt haben) klicken Sie HIER |