FBI "Die neuen Texte der Geliebten stellen Obamas Komplizenschaft dar: Er "will alles wissen, was wir tun "
FBI 'Lovers' New Texts Expose Obama Complicity: He "Wants To Know Everything We're Doing" |
Damals Trump redete über Abhören seines Büros -
New text messages between FBI lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page have now been made public, and, as The Duran's Alex Christoforou notes, the big reveal is that then-POTUS Barack Obama appears to be in the loop, on the whole ‘destroy Trump’ insurance plan hatched by upper management at the FBI.
The messages include an exchange about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to President Obama, who wanted “to know everything we’re doing.”
Fox News reports: Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016 about prepping Comey because “potus wants to know everything we’re doing.” Senate investigators told Fox News this text raises questions about Obama’s personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.
In texts previously revealed, Strzok and Page have shown their disdain for Republicans in general, as well as Trump, calling him a “f—ing idiot,” among other insults. Among the newly disclosed texts, Strzok also calls Virginians who voted against then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s wife for a state Senate seat “ignorant hillbillys.” (sic) That text came from Strzok to Page on Nov. 4, 2015, the day after Jill McCabe lost a hotly contested Virginia state Senate election. Strzok said of the result, “Disappointing, but look at the district map. Loudon is being gentrified, but it’s still largely ignorant hillbilliys. Good for her for running, but curious if she’s energized or never again.” Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., along with majority staff from the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, is releasing the texts, along with a report titled, “The Clinton Email Scandal and the FBI’s Investigation of it.” The newly uncovered texts reveal a bit more about the timing of the discovery of “hundreds of thousands” of emails on former congressman Anthony Weiner’s laptop, ultimately leading to Comey’s infamous letter to Congress just days before the 2016 presidential election. LESEN SIE WEITER....KLICK HIER |
Massives verachtendes Lachensfest nach Präsident Trumps Tweet über Abhören. KLICK HIER die unendliche Liste von Medien Videos, wo er verhöhnt war, anzuschauen. Und, ja, ich werde Doemens "Berichterstattungen" darüber hochladen, wenn sie nicht erst gelöscht sind. Aber wenn die falschen "Berichterstattungen" von Doemens über Trump gelöscht wären, würde Doemens keine mehr journalistische Spur im Internet haben.