Die schwierigste Musik kann gleichzeitig populär und spirituell sein. Etwas geistlich, spirituell, ist was bei der Zwölfton-reihe, beim "Impuls," fehlt. Man liest über spirituelle Gefühle in den Kommentaren der Love Supreme Zuhörer. Bisher habe ich nie solche Kommentare beim Impuls oder der Zwöfton-reihe gelesen.
**heed my word. this is how we will defy the alien invasion, through a duel of musical divination.
**This album helped me survive a Dark Night of the Soul. Thank you John Coltrane and band. **Love this album! **Trane reaches incredible depth on this album. This album is pure happiness and love. **thank goodness for John Coltrane **A Love Supreme.... **Dayammmmm. Just found this. And came alive. Soul came alive. **what a good taste, trance & good soul healing **I do not pray..except to this album! **AWESOME !!! **No words...Only Gratitude.... ** Think of it like art or a symphony, instead of a standard **Powerful masterpiece...Essential **absolutely splendid! no question...ONE OF THE GREATEST RECORDINGS OF ALL-TIME. PERIOD. **Spiritual ** Such an excellent example of how beautiful a piece of American music can be . **masterpiece **Tears came from my eyes... **Some of the most incedibile moments of music´s history. **Pray to God on the last song. It's a life changing experience. ********************************************************** |